Frequently Asked Questions

People have a lot of questions about applied neuroscience, and so they should! So here's a round up of some of the things I get asked most often, and if I've missed any, get in touch, and we'll put that right! 

Applied Neuroscience is a dynamic, evolving field that combines knowledge from a number of fields, including neuroscience, psychology, and biology. Applied neuroscience takes dry and dusty data to make relatable tools that we can use in our daily lives to improve our choices when it comes to our actions, reactions and interactions. This can range from providing you with insights into your physical sensations, to concrete strategies to interrupt unhelpful patters, right through to learning how to deliberately 'state shift' from an unhelpful state, to a more helpful one. 

The point of applied neuroscience is to make it accessible. We can get as technical as you like, but unless you are going to be able to recall and rely on these tools, then you're not going to be able to apply them. Applied neuroscience taps into the way the brain works to create tools and techniques that support your ability to learn and create change, in the process known as neuroplasticity. 

Neuroplasticity has been referred to as a six syllable word for hope. Put that in your crossword file for later ;)  Neuroplasticity basically means that our brains are plastic - they can change. Neuroplasticity is how we learn, adapt and change, throughout life .Neuroplasticity is a neutral function - we can learn helpful or unhelpful things in equal measure. Learning how to support neuroplasticity, and be conscious of the choices we make and how that affects what and how we learn, is a tool for life. 

We start with an investigation of your current situation, and what you want to achieve over the course of our time together. It is quite typical for the initial obstacle or problem to be a symptom, rather than a true obstacle in and of itself. So, as we talk, the direction of our conversation will determine the tools and level of neuroeducation that I introduce. However, you will learn more about how your brain works, including some 'advanced driving skills' to give you choice and control in your actions, reactions and interactions, at work and at home. 

Individual  sessions are 100% confidential, backed by the code of ethics of both the APC and the EMCC. 

A session will last up to two hours, and this is dependent on our agreement, and your needs at the time of the appointment. For example, on occasion, we may agree that a shorter session is more useful, if time is required to practise or process some of the items we've discussed.  I recommend that you block out an additional 15-30 minutes after the session to take a break. This is one of the ways of supporting the learning process that you have undertaken during the session. 

Typically, there are opportunities to add additional sessions to an engagement, and these are created to meet your individual requirements. 

If you can show me a good enough reason to make me believe you're not creative... then, ironically, you are creative. Creativity is an aspect of our intelligence that is greatly affected by our culture and societal understanding of what it is. You are creative. Part of the blueprint process involves identifying, appreciating, and learning to enhance that creativity. 

Check the pages for each offer for pricing. 

Currently, you can work with me:
1-1 for personal and professional development
Virtual Hybrid Learning programme
Small group retreats to facilitate your personal growth journey
Consulting for established coaches who want to support their training programmes with relevant neuroscience backing
Team / CPD training days, for enhancing interpersonal and effectiveness dynamics in a sustainable manner, available in person or remote. 

I am a certified neurotransformational coach (CNTC), an accredited and faculty member of the Association of Professional Coaching, a professional member of The European Mentoring and Coaching Council, and the founder of the NeuroDevelopment Institute. I have studied under neuroscience experts including Ann Betz and Amanda Blake, and I have extensive training in methods and techniques used in applied neuroscience.

If there's a question you'd still like to ask, use the contact form below to get in touch!